July 24, 2008

Oil & Gas Drilling and Exploration Commodities That May Require Export License

The following are examples of oil and gas exploration industry items that are described under various Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN’s) and may require an export license:

Antenna (see Radio)



Belts: Weight (see Diving)

Boring equipment

  • capable of drilling holes greater than two feet in diameter

Boots (see Equipment: Protective & Detection)

Breathing Apparatus: Self Contained (SCBA)

  • 1A995.b
    • Protective and detection equipment and components not specially designed for military use and not controlled by ECCN 1A004 or ECCN 2B351, as follows (see List of Items Controlled)
      • Equipment limited by design or function to protect against hazards specific to civil industries, such as mining, quarrying, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, medical, veterinary, environmental, waste management, or to the food industry

§ Note: This entry (1A995) does not control items for protection against chemical or biological agents that are consumer goods, packaged for retail sale or personal use, or medical products, such as latex exam gloves, latex surgical gloves, liquid disinfectant soap, disposable surgical drapes, surgical gowns, surgical foot covers, and surgical masks. Such items are classified as EAR99.

Cable: Fiber Optic

  • 5A001.c.1
    • Optical fiber communication cables, optical fibers and accessories, as follows:
      • Optical fibers of more than 500 m in length specified by the manufacturer as being capable of withstanding a proof test tensile stress of 2 x 10^9 N/m^2 or more
        • Technical Note: Proof Test: on-line or off-line production screen testing that dynamically applies a prescribed tensile stress over a 0.5 to 3 m length of fiber at a running rate of 2 to 5 m/s while passing between capstans approximately 150 mm in diameter. The ambient temperature is a nominal 293 K (20 degrees C) and relative humidity 40%. Equivalent national standards may be used for executing the proof test.
    • 5A001.c.2
      • Optical fiber communication cables, optical fibers and accessories, as follows:
        • Optical fiber cables and accessories designed for underwater use
          • Note: 5A001.c.2 does not control standard civil telecommunication cables and accessories
    • 5A991.d
      • Telecommunication equipment, not controlled by 5A001


Circuit Boards: Printed

  • 2B998.c
    • Assemblies, units or inserts specially designed for machine tools controlled by 2B991, or for equipment controlled by 2B993, 2B996 or 2B997
      • Specially designed printed circuit boards with mounted components capable of upgrading, according to the manufacturer's specifications, "numerical control" units, machine tools or feed- back devices to or above the levels specified in ECCNs 2B991, 2B993, 2B996, 2B997, or 2B998

Compasses (see Diving)


Diving / Scuba Gear

  • 8A992.h
    • Vessels, marine systems or equipment, not controlled by 8A001, 8A002 or 8A018, and specially designed parts therefor
      • Other self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba gear) and related equipment, n.e.s.
  • 8A992.i
    • Vessels, marine systems or equipment, not controlled by 8A001, 8A002 or 8A018, and specially designed parts therefor
      • Life jackets, inflation cartridges, compasses, wetsuits, masks, fins, weight belts, and dive computers

Displays: color (see Monitors)

Earth moving equipment used in mining industry

Equipment: Protective & Detection

  • 1A004
    • Protective and detection equipment andcomponents not specially designed for militaryuse as follows
      • Gas masks, filter canisters anddecontamination equipment therefor designed ormodified for defense against biological agents orradioactive materials adapted for use in war orchemical warfare (CW) agents and speciallydesigned components therefor
      • Protective suits, gloves and shoes speciallydesigned or modified for defense againstbiological agents or radioactive materials adaptedfor use in war or chemical warfare (CW) agents
      • Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC)detection systems specially designed or modifiedfor detection or identification of biological agentsor radioactive materials adapted for use in war orchemical warfare (CW) agents and speciallydesigned components thereof
    • Note: 1A004 does not control
      • Personal radiation monitoring dosimeters
      • Equipment limited by design or function to protect against hazards specific to civil industries, such as mining, quarrying, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, medical, veterinary, environmental, waste management, or to the food industry
    • Note
      • Protective equipment and components are classified as 1A004 if they have been tested and proven effective against penetration of BW/CW agents or their simulants using test protocols published by a U.S. Government Agency, such as the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) or the U.S. Army, for use by emergency responders or evacuees in chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear environments and labeled with or otherwise identified by the manufacturer or exporter as being effective against penetration by BW/CW agents even if such equipment or components are used in civil industries such as mining, quarrying, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, medical, veterinary, environmental, waste management, or the food industry.
  • 1A995
    • Protective and detection equipment and components not specially designed for military use and not controlled by ECCN 1A004 or ECCN 2B351
      • Personal radiation monitoring dosimeters
      • Equipment limited by design or function to protect against hazards specific to civil industries, such as mining, quarrying, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, medical, veterinary, environmental, waste management, or to the food industry.
    • Note
      • 1A995 does not control items for protection against chemical or biological agents that are consumer goods, packaged for retail sale or personal use, or medical products, such as latex exam gloves, latex surgical gloves, liquid disinfectant soap, disposable surgical drapes, surgical gowns, surgical foot covers, and surgical masks. Such items are classified as EAR99


  • Marine
    • 8A992.g
      • marine engines [both inboard and outboard] and
      • submarine engines, n.e.s.; and specifically designed parts therefor, n.e.s.
    • 9A002
      • marine gas turbine engines with an ISO standard continuous power rating of 24,245 kW or more and a specific fuel consumption not exceeding 0.219 kg/kWh in the power range from 35 to 100%, and specially designed assemblies and components therefor
        • The term "marine gas turbine engines" includes those industrial, or aero-derivative, gas turbine engines adapted for a ship's electric power generation or propulsion
  • Diesel
    • 9A990
      • Diesel engines, n.e.s., and tractors and specially designed parts therefor, n.e.s.
      • Diesel engines, n.e.s., for trucks, tractors, and automotive applications of continuous brake horsepower of 400 BHP (298 kW) or greater (performance based on SAE J1349 standard conditions of 100 Kpa and 25 degrees)
      • Off highway wheel tractors of carriage capacity 9 mt (20,000 lbs) or more; and parts and accessories, n.e.s.
      • On-Highway tractors, with single or tandem rear axles rated for 9 mt per axel (20,000 lbs.) or greater and specially designed parts

Fins (see Diving)

Fluids: Hydraulic: Lubricating (see Oil)

Foam: syntactic for underwater use

Footwear (see Equipment: Protective & Detection)

Generators (and parts)

  • 2A994
    • Portable electric generators and specially designed parts

Gloves (see Equipment: Protective & Detection)

GPS (see Navigational instruments and software)


Hydraulic fluids containing synthetic hydrocarbon oils

Hydrophone (and specially designed components)

  • 6A001.a.2.a
    • Acoustics
      • Hydrophones having any of the following characteristics:
        • Note: The control status of hydrophones specially designed for other equipment is determined by the control status of the other equipment.
        • 6A001.a.2.a.1
          • Incorporating continuous flexible sensing elements
        • 6A001.a.2.a.2
          • Incorporating flexible assemblies of discrete sensing elements with either a diameter or length less than 20 mm and with a separation between elements of less than 20 mm
        • 6A001.a.2.a.3
          • Having any of the following sensing elements:
            • 6A001.a.2.a.3.a
              • Optical fibers
            • 6A001.a.2.a.3.b
              • Piezoelectric polymer films other than polyvinylidene-fluoride (PVDF) and its co-polymers {P(VDF-TrFE) and P(VDF-TFE)}
            • 6A001.a.2.a.3.c
              • Flexible piezoelectric composites
        • 6A001.a.2.a.4
          • A hydrophone sensitivity better than -180dB at any depth with no acceleration compensation
        • 6A001.a.2.a.5
          • When designed to operate at depths exceeding 35 m with acceleration compensation
        • 6A001.a.2.a.6
          • Designed for operation at depths exceeding 1,000 m
      • Technical Notes:
        • 1. ‘Piezoelectric polymer film' sensing elements consist of polarized polymer film that is stretched over and attached to a supporting frame or spool (mandrel).
        • 2. ‘Flexible piezoelectric composite' sensing elements consist of piezoelectric ceramic particles or fibers combined with an electrically insulating, acoustically transparent rubber, polymer or epoxy compound, where the compound is an integral part of the sensing elements.
        • 3. Hydrophone sensitivity is defined as twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of rms output voltage to a 1 V rms reference, when the hydrophone sensor, without a pre-amplifier, is placed in a plane wave acoustic field with an rms pressure of 1 Pa. For example, a hydrophone of -160 dB (reference 1 V per Pa) would yield an output voltage of 10-8 V in such a field, while one of -180 dB sensitivity would yield only 10-9 V output. Thus, -160 dB is better than -180 dB.
  • 6A991
    • Marine or terrestrial acoustic equipment, n.e.s., capable of detecting or locating underwater objects or features or positioning surface vessels or underwater vehicles; and specially designed components, n.e.s.

Inflation cartridges (see Diving)

Information security devices and software


Laser, MIG, or E-Beam welding equipment

Life jackets (see Diving)

Liferaft (see Raft)

Masks (see Diving)


  • 4A994.h
    • Color displays or monitors having more than 120 resolvable elements per cm in the direction of the maximum pixel density;
      • Note 1: 4A994.h does not control displays or monitors not specially designed for electronic computers.
      • Note 2: Displays specially designed for air traffic control (ATC) systems are treated as specially designed components for ATC systems under Category 6.

Navigational instruments and software

  • Antenna (for helicopter landing beakon)
    • 7E994 ("Technology", n.e.s., for the "development", "production", or "use" of navigation, airborne communication, and other avionics equipment)
  • GPS
    • 7A005
      • Global navigation satellite systems (i.e. GPS or GLONASS) receiving equipment, and specially designed components therefor. (These items are subject to the export licensing authority of the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. See 22 CFR part 121.)
      • 22 CFR § 121.1 General. The United States Munitions List
        • Category XV—Spacecraft Systems and Associated Equipment

§ (c) Global Positioning System (GPS) receiving equipment specifically designed, modified or configured for military use; or GPS receiving equipment with any of the following characteristics:

            • (1) Designed for encryption or decryption (e.g., Y-Code) of GPS precise positioning service (PPS) signals;
            • (2) Designed for producing navigation results above 60,000 feet altitude and at 1,000 knots velocity or greater;
            • (3) Specifically designed or modified for use with a null steering antenna or including a null steering antenna designed to reduce or avoid jamming signals;
            • (4) Designed or modified for use with unmanned air vehicle systems capable of delivering at least a 500 kg payload to a range of at least 300 km.

§ Note: GPS receivers designed or modified for use with military unmanned air vehicle systems with less capability are considered to be specifically designed, modified or configured for military use and therefore covered under this paragraph (d)(4).)

Any GPS equipment not meeting this definition is subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce (DOC). Manufacturers or exporters of equipment under DOC jurisdiction are advised that the U.S. Government does not assure the availability of the GPS P-Code for civil navigation. It is the policy of the Department of Defense (DOD) that GPS receivers using P-Code without clarification as to whether or not those receivers were designed or modified to use Y-Code will be presumed to be Y-Code capable and covered under this paragraph. The DOD policy further requires that a notice be attached to all P-Code receivers presented for export. The notice must state the following: “ADVISORY NOTICE: This receiver uses the GPS P-Code signal, which by U.S. policy, may be switched off without notice.”

  • Inertial navigation equipment and software
  • Satellite Phone (see Radio)


  • 1C006
    • Fluids and lubricating materials, as follows
      • Hydraulic fluids containing, as their principal ingredients, any of the following compounds or materials:
        • Synthetic silahydrocarbon oils, having all of the following (Technical Note: For the purpose of below, silahydrocarbon oils contain exclusively silicon, hydrogen and carbon):
          • A flash point exceeding 477 K (204 degrees C)
          • A pour point at 239 K (-34 degrees C) or less
          • A viscosity index of 75 or more
          • A thermal stability at 616 K (343 degrees C)
        • Chlorofluorocarbons, having all of the following (Technical Note: For the purpose of below, chlorofluorocarbons contain exclusively carbon, fluorine and chlorine):
          • No flash point
          • An autogenous ignition temperature exceeding 977 K (704 degrees C)
          • A pour point at 219 K (-54 degrees C) or less
          • A viscosity index of 80 or more
          • A boiling point at 473 K (200 degrees C) or higher
      • Lubricating materials containing, as their principal ingredients, any of the following compounds or materials:
        • Phenylene or alkylphenylene ethers or thio-ethers, or their mixtures, containing more than two ether or thio-ether functions or mixtures thereof; or
        • Fluorinated silicone fluids with a kinematic viscosity of less than 5,000 mm2/s (5,000 centistokes) measured at 298 K (25 degrees C);
      • Damping or flotation fluids with a purity exceeding 99.8%, containing less than 25 particles of 200 æm or larger in size per 100 ml and made from at least 85% of any of the following compounds or materials:
        • Dibromotetrafluoroethane;
        • Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (oily and waxy modifications only); or
        • Polybromotrifluoroethylene;
      • Fluorocarbon electronic cooling fluids, having all of the following characteristics:
        • Containing 85% by weight or more of any of the following, or mixtures thereof:
          • Monomeric forms of perfluoropolyalkylether- triazines or perfluoroaliphatic-ethers;
          • Perfluoroalkylamines;
          • Perfluorocycloalkanes; or
          • Perfluoroalkanes;
        • Density at 298 K (25 degrees C) of 1.5 g/ml or more;
        • In a liquid state at 273 K (0 degrees C); and
        • Containing 60% or more by weight of fluorine.
  • 1C981
    • Crude petroleum including reconstituted crude petroleum, tar sands & crude shale oil listed in Supplement No. 1 to part 754 of the EAR
  • 1C982
    • Other petroleum products listed in Supplement No. 1 to part 754 of the EAR that were produced or derived from the Naval Petroleum Reserves (NPR) or became available for export as a result of an exchange f any NPR produced or derived commodities
  • 1C996
    • Hydraulic fluids containing synthetic hydrocarbon oils, having all the following characteristics:

1. A flash point exceeding 477 K (204 degrees C)

2. A pour point at 239 K (-34 degrees C) or less

3. A viscosity index of 75 or more

4. A thermal stability at 616 K (343 degrees C).

Optical sensors

Phone: Satellite (see Radio)

Pipes & fittings

Power converters and inverters

Power supplies: DC: high power or high voltage

  • 3A226
    • High-power direct current power supplies, other than those described in 0B001.j.6, having both of the following characteristics
      • Capable of continuously producing, over a time period of 8 hours, 100 V or greater with current output of 500 A or greater; and
      • Current or voltage stability better than 0.1% over a time period of 8 hours
  • 3A227
    • High-voltage direct current power supplies, other than those described in 0B001.j.5, having both of the following characteristics
      • Capable of continuously producing, over a time period of 8 hours, 20 kV or greater with current output of 1 A or greater; and
      • Current or voltage stability better than 0.1% over a time period of 8 hours


  • for industrial service and for use with electrical motor of 5 HP or greater
  • vacuum


  • Intercom
    • 5A991.g
      • Mobile communications equipment, n.e.s., and assemblies and components therefor
    • 7E994
      • "Technology", n.e.s., for the "development", "production", or "use" of navigation, airborne communication, and other avionics equipment
  • Satellite Phone
    • 5A991.b.6.a
      • Radio equipment operating at input or output frequencies exceeding 31 GHz for satellite-earth station applications
    • 5A991.g
      • Mobile communications equipment, n.e.s., and assemblies and components therefor

Recorder: Data (a.k.a. "Black Box"). Example: VoyageMaster II S-VDR

  • 3A991
    • Electronic devices and components not controlled by 3A001 (was advised of this ECCN by Northrop Grumman Export Compliance Department for VoyageMaster II S-VDR)


  • 8A992.f
    • Vessels, n.e.s., including inflatable boats, and specially designed components therefor, n.e.s.

Receiver: navigational warnings and weather forecasts (commodity example)

  • 7E994
    • "Technology", n.e.s., for the "development", "production", or "use" of navigation, airborne communication, and other avionics equipment

Rectifier: silicon controlled

  • 3A001.g
    • Solid-state pulsed power switching thyristor devices and thyristor modules using either electrically, optically, or electron radiation controlled switch methods, having any of the following:
      • A maximum turn-on current rate of rise (di/dt) greater than 30,000 A/ s and off-state voltage greater than 1,100 V; or
      • A maximum turn-on current rate of rise (di/dt) greater than 2,000 A/ s and all of the following:
        • An off-state peak voltage equal to or greater than 3,000 V; and
        • A peak (surge) current equal to or greater than 3,000 A.
    • 3A001.g includes Silicon Controlled Rectifiers

Rods (see Bars)


Scuba Gear (see Diving)


  • 8A002.o.1.e
    • Water-screw propeller or power transmission systems, as follows, specially designed for surface effect vehicles (fully skirted or rigid sidewall variety), hydrofoils or small waterplane area vessels controlled by 8A001.f, 8A001.g, .8A001.h or 8A001.i:
      • Power transmission shaft systems, incorporating "composite" material components, capable of transmitting more than 1 MW
  • 8A002.o.2.d
    • Water-screw propeller or power transmission systems, as follows, specially designed for surface effect vehicles (fully skirted or rigid sidewall variety), hydrofoils or small waterplane area vessels controlled by 8A001.f, 8A001.g, .8A001.h or 8A001.i:
      • Power transmission shaft systems, incorporating "composite" material components, capable of transmitting more than 2 MW

Shoes (see Equipment: Protective & Detection)


    • "Superconductive" electromagnets and solenoids specially designed to be fully charged or discharged in less than one second, having all of the following:...
  • 3A201.b
    • Superconducting solenoidal electromagnets having all of the following characteristics:...

Suits (see Equipment: Protective & Detection)

Test Equipment, Electronic

  • Accelerometers: angular or rotational
  • Frequency meter
    • 3A992.a (Electronic test equipment, n.e.s.)
  • Gravity meters
  • Magnetometers
  • Megger: meter
    • 3A992.a (Electronic test equipment, n.e.s.)
  • Pressure Gauge & Sensor;
    • 3A992.a (Electronic test equipment, n.e.s.)
  • Salinometer
    • 3A992.a (Electronic test equipment, n.e.s.)
  • Toxic gas monitoring systems
  • Transmitter

Telephone: Satellite (see Radio)

Thruster (see Engines: Marine)


Topdrive (see Boring equipment)

Tractors (see Engines)

Transducers: pressure


Vessels: submersible and supporting equipment

Welders: MIG (Metal Inert Gas)

  • 2B999.d
    • MIG Welders

Wetsuits (see Diving)